
2013 Summer Indie Wed

Summer Indie Wed in Chicago

Tickets now on sale!

summer indie wed 728x90 banner

Our second Summer Indie Wed show will be take place on

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
from 11am to 4pm
at the Zhou B Art Center
1029 W 35th St


Indie Wed will feature:

*a curated selection of the best independent wedding pros & artisans
*two floors of vendors
*live music & DJ’s spinning tunes
*fashion from the area’s best designers
*food and beverage tastings
*swag bags for the first 50 brides or grooms in line (one per household)
and much more!


Tickets now on sale!

Earlybird (through June 8th) = $12/person or $20/couple
Online sales* = $15/person or $25/couple
Day of = $20/person at the door CASH ONLY

*please note: online ticket sales end on Friday, July 26th at midnight